You are no longer who you once knew yourself to be

You have grown wings

You have a whole new updated body with a new vibrational frequency

It feels a little strange to be out in the World

You feel a little vulnerable, a little wobbly

It’s all just so NEW

Wavering between the old and the new

Will be normal for a while

You are in the process of BECOMING

The Highest Version of Yourself

Be patient and gentle 

Old habits of thinking and ways of being

May still show themselves

And that’s ok

Notice and don’t get attached

Here are 7 Simple Steps you can take on the journey to BECOMING, to move forward with ease and grace:

  1. Breathe Deeply

2. Relax your Body 

3. Soften your Mind

4. Focus on what you Appreciate 

5. Trust that you know your Best Next Step

6. Allow the Answers to come

7. Let go of the Outcome

Rinse and repeat

This life is not meant to be a struggle

All of the answer are right there before you

Just relax your grip, soften your body and enjoy the ride!!

If you are stepping into your calling as a Visionary Women Entrepreneur or you have been an entrepreneur for a while and are looking for an upgrade, click on the link below to check out my services:

LOVE Fiona xo

Fiona Black