Create a life and business you LOVE

The Spring is such a beautiful time to be re-evaluating where we are and where we want to go. 

The ground is fertile with possibilities and it’s a great time to start sewing the seeds for what what we want to grow and weeding out what no longer works. 

Right now I am planting the seeds of Contentment, Abundance and Ease. 

Any form of striving and stress in my life no longer feels tolerable. Making this decision to quit stress and struggle has been revolutionary for my nervous system. 

As I write this post I can quite literally feel my body relax and my nerves sigh in relief. 

You see, we have been raised in the masculine energy of doing and achieving. 

We have been taught that:

“The more I do, the greater my achievements are, the more worthy I am.”

 And quite frankly this way of thinking is killing us.

Woman are more stressed than ever before trying to raise a family, run a home, work a day job and create a ‘side hustle’ business. 

It’s EXHAUSTING and massively overwhelming

So how can we make a shift? 

How can we move gracefully from overwhelm to centred?

From Scarcity of money/time to abundance? 

From Stress to Peace?

The key is to quite simply to Stop and be Quiet

We need to reclaim our energy from ‘out there’ and to come back home to the heart. To our Centre. To our Self. 

We were born with everything we need to live a beautiful life. It’s all mapped out in our heart. If we would just take the time to listen and to believe that we are the centre and power of our Universe. 

It is possible to make this shift and you can find joy right now, if you choose to embody these 6 keys to creating a Life and Business you Love

1.Take Radical Responsibility for yourself, your life and your business

Lose the blame and shame both towards yourself and others and cultivate self-compassion and love as if your life depended upon it... it literally does. Once you take full responsibility, you are empowered with the possibility of making the changes you need to make.

2. Listen to your Body

Your body holds all the wisdom you will ever need to flourish in this life. Just as an acorn   inherently knows how to become a great oak tree, you too know how to become the most beautiful version of yourself. It’s time to be quiet and start listening.

3. Change your Mind

The mind is a thinking machine and how you feel and what you do every moment of every day is guided by the mental manuscript that runs your life. Thankfully you have the power to ‘change your mind’ and rewrite your program. Start choosing the thoughts that feel better and appreciating what you have and watch as your life and business begins to flourish.

4. Feel your Emotions

When we numb one emotion we numb them all. So when we suppress our anger, we also suppress our JOY. So allowing yourself to be free to feel and experience the entire spectrum of emotions is an essential ingredient to creating a life and business you love.  How can you experience a rainbow with out the rain? 

5. Live from the Heart

The heart is the place of love, balance and harmony. It is the only place we experience the sense of being whole and complete. Without living whole heartedly we will always be caught in a game of comparison, judgement and separation. No lasting joy can ever be found living this way

6. Forgive Yourself

Life can be really hard. We make mistakes that lose us friends and business deals. We experience loss and disappointment. If we don’t know how to forgive ourself and others we become bitter and resentful. Forgiveness is essential on this journey so that are heart’s stay open to receive the beautiful gifts given to us daily.

Creating a life and business you love is simple once you realize that YOU are the source of your joy and happiness.

If you can find joy and happiness right now, regardless of what is happening on the outside, you have already won the game. Your outside success and achievements are the icing on the cake. 

These keys are not just theory, they are embodied practices that you must nourish and nurture daily in order to really sense and feel the beauty of your life.

Stay tuned for embodied practices that you can do daily to stay connected to your heart and your JOY!

If you have found this BLOG helpful please share the love with friends and family. I deeply appreciate you!

Love Fiona xo

Fiona Black