Radical Responsibility NOW

This year on January 1st I sat in meditation and asked myself this one question...

“What is my intention for 2019?” 

I sat and I waited. Quietly expectant of a great new intention to arise, but nothing came.

I fidgeted, reorganized myself on my seat and scratched my cheek, then settled a little deeper this time.

And again repeated, “What is my intention for 2019?”... nothing, still nothing. Then all of a sudden I heard a voice that said loud and clear,

“Grow up Fiona!”. 

Huh I thought. I am a grown up! I own a house and have 2 kids. I don’t need to grow up! 

After an initial rejection of this no good intention, I allowed the words to sink in to my heart a little more.

“Grow up” I whispered, again and again. “Grow up Fiona, it’s time to grow up”. This time with a little more love, patience and compassion.

Then all of a sudden tears sprang from my eyes and i understood.

I recognized that it’s finally time to look in all the places in my life that I have been too afraid to look.

It’s time to be brave and face my fears.

It’s time to break the cycle of childhood reactions and to lovingly re-parent and nourish myself in ways that I did not receive when I was a child. 

It’s time to release the remains of blame, shame and victimhood.

It’s time to take RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY for it all NOW.

This decision, to take radical responsibility, shook me to the core.

And as I continued through January into February, lots of darkness arose. So much fear, doubt and shame. And I allowed it all. To wash over me. To wash through me.

I was cleansed by the lightness that was left after the darkness was free to be released. 

And making this decision has made me feel the most empowered I have ever felt in my life.

Yet the darkness still arises, life keeps happening, but every time I get knocked down by a wave, it’s easier to stand up again. To find my feet. 

I am getting stronger day by day, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

And my body is changing. I am standing differently. Taller perhaps. I feel different.

The fear is dissolving and LOVE is flowing.

Courage is being cultivated. Compassion is being breathed through me.

When I take full responsibility for it all I am empowered to make and create change. And what an incredible feeling this is!

... If this post has touched something inside of you I encourage you to ask yourself the following empowering questions;

1. What or who in your life are you still blaming and shaming?

2. Who would you be if you were empowered to make a massive transformation in your life NOW?

3. What is stopping you?

Much Love,

Fiona xo 

Fiona Black