3 Steps to BE-ing more Authentically YOU!

What does being authentic actually mean?

The latin root of the word authenticity means “Coming from the author”. It also described as “not copied or fake” but “real and genuine”. 

Unfortunately many of us become disconnected from the truth of who we are very early on in life. We are corrected and taught to do things a certain way. We are told to listen to and obey our parents and teachers. 

Whilst learning from others is important, all too often we are taught to give away our power to others who we perceive as knowing better than or more than us. We are also very vulnerable to other people’s judgements or perceptions of us when we are young. 

May be are parents are only happy with us when we are getting good grades at school. So we spend our life trying so hard to please, but no matter what we achieve it doesn’t matter because we never feel good enough. 

So being authentically you means you are really connected to the truth of who you are in your own heart. You are your own authority.  You listen to your inner guidance first before you go ‘out there’. You are the author of your life.

If you are not living a life in full authenticity you will experience some or all of the following:

~ You constantly hear yourself saying, “I should have done this”, or “I should have done that” and you beat yourself up a lot. This is a very heavy energy and it is coming from a place of not living up to ‘perceived ideas’ of other’s expectations of you.

~ You may experience a lot of anger, guilt, resentment or shame. And when you are feeling this daily it means you are not in alignment with who you truly are. You are trying to live someone else’s life. 

~ If you are constantly doing things that you don’t want to do. Saying yes to people out of obligation not true choice. And living a life you no longer love, whether that be the relationship you are in, the job you have or the place that you are living. 

~ You put you and your needs last. Everyone comes before you and your dreams are left for another day.

If any or all of these ring true for you, you are not alone. It’s our journey in this life to reconnect to our true authenticity, our true nature. 

If you feel a little lost right now, or overwhelmed with where to start, here are 3 simple steps you can begin to take daily which will re-plug you in to your own power. Your own light and authenticity:

  1. Create the time to connect with your self DAILY. Whether it be through morning meditation, walks in nature or sipping your tea quietly before the rest of the house wakes up. This quiet, reflective time is immensely important if you want to start listening to the quiet whispers of your heart and soul.

2. Reconnect with what you LOVE MOST and do more of it! What makes your heart sing and feel more alive? What awakens feelings of joy and passion within you? You may even ask your parents about your personality when you were a kid. What did you love? How did you interact with the world around you? This is authentically you!

3. Start listening to your body. Your body always knows what’s best for you. When you begin to really listening you will feel expanded, open and light when something feels good and contracted, heavy and closed when it feels bad. The more authentic you become the more you can step in and say YES when something feels good and NO when something feels bad with clarity and power.

When you are authentic you are bringing your most beautiful self to the world. Your creativity and light will flow through you and you will naturally attract more of what you want to you.

Your authentic self is beautiful! Let it shine my friend xo

Fiona Black