Don't Underestimate the power of your Emotions...

Do not be mistaken in thinking 
That expressing emotions 
Is for the weak and vulnerable

Do not be mistaken in thinking 
That I am ALL softness and light
That I have no anger inside of me

LOVE is the most powerful force on earth
And you will hear me ROAR
For those that I love and protect

You will cower at my anger 
If you mistreat my family or my land
Do not think that my tears are my weakness

Anger used powerfully, mindfully, soulfully
Is our greatest catalyst for change
Our most sacred ally on this journey

Do not fear your anger 
Instead befriend it
Learn from it and please FEEL it

Anger left unexperienced 
Turns inwards and destroys you
It eats away at your very soul

Feel your anger and express it MINDFULLY
Then let it go and watch as this emotion 
Becomes one of your greatest strengths

Anger creates sacred boundaries 
Boundaries create clarity
And clarity is kindness

My tears cry rivers and oceans and waterfalls
My love creates forests and mountains
And my anger can destroy the untruths created

When you choose LOVE
To BE Love
You choose IT ALL

You own it all 
Because all expressions are birthed from
And die back into LOVE

You are mighty friend
You are powerful beyond measure
And all of you is welcome here

Own all of you
Feel it all and stand in your power
Watch as your energy returns

And when you truly know that 
There is no YOU
That you are ALL THAT IS

You will experience a love so profound
A love so expansive 
That everything else pales in significance

The judgements and the shame 
The comparisons and the blame
Have no place here on this new earth

Your WORTH is unquestionable
Your POWER indescribable
And your LOVE inconceivable

You are ALL THAT IS!

Love Fiona xo

Fiona Black