You have a magic power

A Superpower, so to speak, that no body else has in the unique way that you do

It’s what makes you, well, YOU!

And you came here, to this planet, to share your Superpower for the good of all beings

Now, I want to ask you some important questions:

Are you hiding your superpower?

Have you forgotten what you love?

Do you even know what your superpower is?

If you feel unclear or a little hazy I am going to strongly urge you to let this question settle in you

What is my Superpower?

Ask yourself in the shower in the morning, walking in the forest, at the beach

Ask your partner, your mom, your kids

Get curious, get really curious

Suspend your judgement, turn down the volume of your critical mind and PLAY

This might just be the single most IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO RIGHT NOW


Because, and I say this with a whole lot of sadness, grief and courage in my heart

The World is struggling right now

Mama Earth is hurting really bad

And I believe that each and every one of us has a Superpower to help remedy her ailments

A medicine so to speak

Your medicine will look like no one else’s so please do not judge yours as less than

OWN your medicine

CLAIM your Superpower 

And take steps every day to cultivate the power and the person, who is yielding this medicine, YOU

I SEE you beautiful and courageous woman and together we can do this!

Love Fiona

P.S If you would like support to dive deep in to the question of your Passion, Power and Purpose please join me for my NEW 6 week on-line course:

Awaken to your Soul’s Purpose: 6 weeks to Clarity, Peace and Power

Fiona Black