Why Meditate?

When I first began to explore meditation about 15 years ago

I was completely intimidated and confused

I thought you had to do it a certain way

Or you had to repeat a certain special mantra

I thought such things as 

“Who am I to to meditate?”, “I’m not religious”, “I am not special”

I thought it was only for the yogi’s and monks

Who sat in caves or ashrams

But I persisted

I explored different methods and read books

But nothing felt quite right

Until one day I decided to sit

Just SIT

No special attention on anything in particular

I gave my mind nothing to chew on


And as I sat with no intention

I began to notice and feel the sensations in my body

I observed the tendencies of my mind

And the longer I sat

The more peaceful I became

And the louder the silence sounded

Underneath the noise

My mind chatter became the back ground

And the peace and silence

Became the foreground

And as I continued to sit

I began to feel safer

And more at peace 

In my own body

Than I ever had in my life

As I have made ‘just sitting’

A daily practice 

It has also became a place where 

my greatest ideas and aha’s arise 

Meditation and just ‘being’ reconnects us back to our true nature. It reminds us that we are timeless, formless beings connected to the universal energy of ALL THAT IS.  

There is no right or wrong to meditate. Listen to your inner guidance for the right way for  you. I invite you to start meditating today. Even for only 5 minutes and see what arises for you xo

Fiona Black