How to BE more in a life full of doing

There is something magical

About being in silence

When we stop and press pause in our day

We open up to the universal energy

That is supporting and nourishing us always

Without pausing

Without creating the time

To listen to the silence

We become drained

And disconnected from the very life force

That inspires us

There is so much goodness in the silence

Our nervous system relaxes

Our cells nourish and renew

We get filled with inspiration

From the very energy that creates Universes

And we can surrender all that is no longer needed

When you stop striving out there for answers

And you turn inwards to the silence

You find all that you have been searching for

Is right there within you

Here are 4 Simple ways to bring more ‘sacred pauses’ into your day;

1. Take 5 mins first thing in the morning or last thing at night to sit or lie in silence - Wake up earlier if you need to or go to bed a little later. The benefits you will gain are worth it

2. Every time you get in or out of your car stop and take a few deep breaths, reconnecting to the silence within

3. Carry Lavender essential oil with you and take a sniff any time of the day that you need to create a ‘sacred pause’

4. When you are out in nature intentionally stop and be present for a few moments. Be with your breath and the nature around you. Reconnect to the sacred silence.

The more that you reconnect to the silence the more calm and grounded you become. Fear drops away and trust develops as you learn to connect with the universal life force that is your very nature. 

LOVE Fiona xo

Fiona Black