Congruent ACTION is the key to successful Manifestation

The choices that you have made in the past and are currently making quite literally shape your reality

You can feel differently and think differently but without the action very little changes in your physical World. This is because action takes the most effort and is the loudest of all the frequencies.

Actions, the physical step needed to make new choices, affect change in all dimensional layers of your being

Many of us get enamoured with changing the thinking and feeling frequencies … there’s a certain safety to it

But taking new action is where the real risk resides

What if I fail?

What if I succeed?

What if he says no?

What if she says yes?!

What if no one responds?

What if too many people respond?

Ahh the glorious mindfield

Transformation and change is a multi-dimensional and multi-layered affair

But with out action it simply becomes expansion of conscious awareness without the physical transformation… meaning, you keep manifesting the same that you’ve always manifested

How I work with the Akashic Records has a lot of intention

I don’t simply deliver you information

We discuss past and current choices and bring awareness to what is no longer aligned

We then, together, explore new more congruent action that you can take to create the external shifts that you desire

I can not DO the doing for you … that would be disempowering but what I can do is shine the light so clearly on what is incongruent that the new more aligned way begins to surface

Transformation and change takes TIME, dedication and consistency

Don’t quit too soon before you see the results!

If you’re a conscious creative woman and you’re feeling stuck or frustrated in your life or business I can support you to help release the flow of life force energy that’s been held in the dam

I can support you with gaining clarity, consciousness and an enhanced capacity to choose

I can support you to step into your power by helping you to love back to you all the fragmented aspects of self that you pushed away

If it’s your time and you’re ready, please reach out

There’s a couple of ways you can currently work with me in 1:2:1 capacity

I look forward to being of service,

Fiona xx

Fiona Black