No. More. Hustle

I can not hustle
I am not a 'boss' lady 
I don't have the nervous system for it

I do not want to push and strive
My adrenals have burnt out before
I love myself too much to go there again

I can not work long hours
For prolonged periods of time
My body just says NO

I used to think this was a weakness
I used to compare myself to other women
Who seem to be able to 'do it all'

But now I understand
And fully OWN my divine sensitivity
My exquisitely tuned nervous system

What once was my burden is now my GIFT
I walk the line between the night and the day
The shadow and the light

I am the bridge between the un-manifest
And the manifest
The seen and the unseen

I walk this world knowing fully 
I am in it but not of it
I sense with my heart and not my mind

And I see you and your gifts too
I sense your divine mission on this planet
I know how hard you try

I can show you a different way
If you'll let me
A more feminine way to live your life

A way to dance in tune with your cycles
With your unique gifts
And bring more balance in to your world

This world is crying out for balance
Mother is longing for us to rest and de-stress
So we can experience our true nature

If we want to heal this planet
It starts with us

If you are interested in finding out if Rapid Evolutionary Healing Sessions or Heart-centred coaching are for you, please PM me. I would love to connect xo

Love Fiona xo

Fiona Black