BREACH! Or be beached...

A couple of weeks ago I was blessed to be in the presence of Humpback Whales

I watched them for HOURS from the shoreline

Quietly listening to the story they were sharing

Through their Tale slaps, rolls and breeching

This is what I heard …

Whale Medicine is asking us to BREACH
To rise out of the depths of our sleep walking
And to bring fourth our Unique Song to the World
And all of our beautiful unique songs
Will join together in harmony
Orchestrated by the divine itself

All the answers you seek are encoded in your DNA
So dive deep into the depths of your being
Pull fourth your creative genius
And BREACH to the World!!!

Show yourself and share your SONG
Whether you are a frontline Freedom Fighter
A quiet background holder of the Space of Love
An innovator of technology
A creator of new systems
A demolisher of the old
Each one of us has a unique and vital mission

It's time to step fully into your AUTHENTIC POWER

The alternative is to be BEACHED

The choice is in our hands

Fiona Black